66 Atlantic Highway is a unique property with an intriguing history. The Maine Massachusetts House is located on the border of what was once the border between Maine and Massachusetts. It represents the former state line between Maine and Massachusetts. In 1819, when residents of the 'District of Maine' were admitted to the Union as a free state. The charming 2-bedroom antique residence has a large oversized kitchen with honey-colored wooden floors and walls of windows. The living room has a massive stone fireplace which further enhances the charm of this treasure. The lower level has 2 bedrooms. The house is well-landscaped and features beautiful stone walls and walkways. The newer construction is a massive barn. The barn is currently a beautiful 2 story light-filled veterinary clinic with boarding facilities. The barn would also be a beautiful art gallery or a fabulous location for a restaurant if permitted. 66 Atlantic Highway is comprised of 2 separate structures, a commercial building that is 6300 Sg Ft. and an additional component, the Maine Massachusetts House which is 1460 Sg Ft and is currently a rental unit. This cross-property mixed-use abounds with potential.
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